Dawn's Wildlife Tips - 2018
2018 Dawn’s Wildlife Tip # 12: Spring and Summer = Baby Bunnies! Starting in March our Eastern Cottontails will produce litters (1-12 babies) but typically 5. They like to nest in shallow areas especially depressions found in the ground. The mother will build the nest with soft grass, small twigs and bits of her fur. A mother can have up to 3-4 litter in a season. Mother rabbits known as “doe” will feed their young two times a day, and will be very discreet, since they do not like to draw attention to predators. When the bunnies are 3 weeks old they are on their own and at this age and are still very small, slightly larger than your fist. Be careful when you get ready to mow your lawns, check for low areas in your yard, just in case. If you find them, leave them alone and wait to mow until they leave their nest. Let Us Be Forever Wild!