Art Trivia: The Pigment Truth – Mummy Brown/Red (aka Egyptian brown) was a powder that was ground from real mummies during the medieval times sold in their apothecaries. Then during the 16th and 17th centuries this was used as part of artist’s oil and watercolor paint palettes. The color resembles a mix of burnt and raw umber tints. However during the 19th century when it became known where this pigment was derived, artist stopped using this grisly mix. Today this color is made with minerals pigments instead. May the mummies all rest in peace!
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The Facebook Name is: Dawn Zanfardino - Artist ( Hope you will "Like" my page to journey along with me. Thank you! Welcome to my Art Gallery!
I hope that you enjoy my creations as they unfold and make their presentation to be shared with you. I am creating a special FaceBook page for folks to follow along with me as I share my creative process flow and then the final works will be posted in this Gallery. Stay tuned for the facebook address, coming soon. Thank you! |
May 2015
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